October 23, 2006

So I was reading post secret again, and I found this postcard. This coupled with a strange revelation that I had yesterday, made me realize how diminished my capacity for affection is. Growing up as the illegitimate step-child to a man that hated me, always on the outside. I never felt that I deserved affection. This revelation came from a mostly suppressed memory, of last Christmas. I spent hundreds of dollars on Christmas presents for everybody, especially my parents, still desperate for their approval. And what do I get? They get me a copy of "4o Year Old Virgin". I ask you this, loyal readers, how fucked up is that? I spend days and days shopping for my family and find near perfect presents. And I get a copy of "40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN!!!!" Alas, for all the effort I put into shopping last year, nobody puts the slightest bit of effort into getting me something so perfect that I didn't know I wanted it, but now I can't live without it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I lived closer and had the money I'd so buy you a gift. I always hope your doing good on the holidays. *hugs*

Shane would probably do the same thing as well