October 31, 2006

Once again I come to you conflicted between who I am and who I should be. What I want to be and what I really . . . fuck it. I'm pissed. I mean how much fucking ass do you have to kiss in the Hell in order to get ahead? They recently asked me to change my attitude and I did. I've worked hard on bottling my emotions, harder then I ever thought I should and they still give the extra work to newbies? I'm fine to do their grunt work, but they would never asks me to teach a class. Well they have, but apparently I'm not good enough. Why are they asking newbies to teach classes instead of me? All these people are getting ahead in this Hell the call work when I'm sitting in the corner doing fucking grunt work. Sometimes I swear that if I have to say "Thank you for calling customer service," one more time I'm going to explode. They ask me to bottle my emotions and I'm doing that, I'm even seeing a FUCKING shrink so I can learn the root of my "problem."

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