October 13, 2006

*sigh* Close your eyes and let the words flow, even if they don't make sense, just write for five minutes write just to see what comes out. Right now I'm facing a weekend alone, and I know I just wrote those words two weeks ago, but they're here again. I don't want to go to my uncles because they need a weekend away from me, I don't want to go to my grandparents because I'm going there Sunday. So I'm facing a whole day just staring at the TV with my thoughts wandering to all those fears that I keep locked up inside of me most of the time. I'd hang out with my friend that got fired, but he seems to be busy most nights, and I know tomorrow. What I'd really like to do is curly up with a 8 episode disc of fraiser and smoke the night away. Or go out drinking and get smashed :) But I know that's not going to happen, though I'm sure I could if I really tried. Fraiser is just so hard to come by, I know one source but it's a work source and I'm afraid to ask at work, I could go through my friend that got fired, he might have a source, but it's doubtful. So what began as a post about nothing to do, ends with a quest for fraiser. Alas, the cure for boredom, loneliness, etc. is hard to come by though not impossible if I do it right.

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