October 05, 2006

Ha ha, I'm kind of excited. Well I'm really excited about the prospect of a great weekend, four days off of work, RENO!!!! But what I'm excited about now is I got a response from my favorite former talk radio host, Victor Boc. He's like an E list local celebrity, if you asked a hundred people in down town Portland if they knew the guy, maybe one would know him, but probably not.

But as the story goes, in 8th grade I was expelled from school because I expressed sympathy for some bad people, those bad people happened to be in the news at the time. So when I was expelled from school, I started exploring the AM dial not know what to expect. I had no idea, in 8th grade I was barely even getting into KDUK the local pop station, I thought all the radio was had was crappy pop music. So anyway I switch to the AM side, feeling depressed and down on myself etc. And I hear some guy on there talking about Bill Clinton. So I listen and there's actually discussion, and feedback etc. This is how I was introduced to talk radio. The guy was Victor Boc. So anyway, he moves to Portland from Eugene and switches radio stations. I switch stations too because that happened to be the station that the Blazers were on when they were doing good. But then 2 years ago, he just leaves. I checked his website weekly for a while, then monthly and then I just stop because there's never any updates.

But last night I was making an omelet at 2 AM, and on TV Michael Medved comes on. Michael Medved had the slot before Victor when I first started to listen to talk radio, and out of nowhere comes Boc's name from the bowels of nostalgia. So I look him up real quick and now he's no even a E-list local celebrity, but he's writing, and playing professional poker, lol. So I decide to leave a comment on the sight just to see if he plans anymore radio. And to my amazement, I check my e-mail today (well just 10 minutes ago when I started to write this) and there's a reply. He remembers me from when I used to e-mail him occasionally about topics on his show. I know this is nowhere near Kristin Dunst seeing me in a crowd of people and waving (just a dream, lol) But still somebody is some somebody knows me, and it almost validates my existence. Yeah I know that's sad, but if this blog wasn't sad, I would have the five fans that I do.

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