October 01, 2011

I feel a big fight coming.  Too many little frustrations building up.  It's going to be a knock out, blow out fight that will be talked about in the family for years to come.  It will come down to me failing as a son yet again.  I couldn't cooperate and live like an adult.  It sucks because it's a lot of little things frustrating me right now.  Like the little sisters.  They're both too lazy for words.  Alien actually has her dinner served to her in front of her lap top that her mommy and daddy bought for her and when I was taking out the trash and realized that it was raining and I left my shoes up stairs, I asked her to walk twenty feet to take it out for me, and she refused.  What a stuck-up, lazy, little, moody, bitch.  The glares I get when I use the computer, it's as if I'm doing something wrong just being down here.

Really I need to decided exactly what I'm entitled to as a renter.  I'm certainly getting less than what I was getting in any other rental situation.  I mean, in other situations, I actually get access to public areas.  God forbid I actually wanted to have some friends over to have a few beers, or *gasp* smoke a bowl!  What if I wanted to use the public areas, can't really do that.  If I'm going to be honest with myself, I'm really disliking it here right now.  Of course, in all my past living situations, I've had times where I disliked it.  I really don't want roommates again, if I'm going to move out, it's going to be on my own.  Whatever, fuck these people.

1 comment:

albanymaverick said...

Tell them to go fly a kite.

If they want your financial contributions on a regular basis,demand an equal share to all facilities within and outside the home except their bedrooms.

Their reluctance to share on an equitable basis shows one of two things:

1)distrust of you
2)an actual disdain of your presence in the home. Think about it. Would you be there if they weren't so financially strapped?
Probably not!

Dale Carnegie's book is an excellent guide to effectively dealing with difficult situations such as your own. Be rational, stay calm & focused, but just as importantly, be considerate of their concerns.

The problem still may not get resolved to your liking after all of your genuine efforts. Nonetheless, you'll gain invaluable experience in the art of effective communication. And you'll also be able to add a notch to the pole of character building for handling the problem in a constructive manner. That, in turn, will help build self-esteem. Good Luck
