September 15, 2006

Amazing and stupendous! I have a date on Saturday. This seems a bit surreal, considering I'm still hazy from last night and I've just donated blood, so the dizziness is multiplied plenty. But this girl that I kinda know from work and I've talked to on breaks etc. She's older 26 or 27, but still acts young. Into fantasy books, drinking etc. I've been on one date recently (sometime in July) and the results of that one were mixed. It was a good date, by the end of the date the girl really liked me, I was drunk, but waking up the next morning I realized I didn't like her, and it's been fairly awkward since. The girl's been trying to get with me, but I've made it clear (kinda) that I didn't like her and she stopped trying. The last date was a trip to the coast for beach combing, dinner and shopping. This date is just to a bar and bowling maybe. The difference between the last one and this one, I think I already like the girl. And is this going out as friends, or more? Did she just say yes because she's a nice person, she didn't hesitate to say yes, so that's' a good sign. I hear my friends talk about their exploits (three girls in three days) and it doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

I know saying she's 26 or 27 makes you think OLD, and that would make you think that she would know the difference, or at least be able to make it clear to me. If this is going out as friends, then we'd be paying for ourselves, if this is a date I'd be paying for everything. I know I should just be myself, but when how can I? Also I'm going to be driving, and going to a bar. How much is too much, especially on a Saturday night coming out of a bar, where the cops are going to be looking. I know online using my body weight, I can drink up to 10 drinks in an hour, but that's way, way too much. But is five drinks too much? A designated driver would be nice, but if this really is a date (rather than friends hanging out) then that isn't an option. And either way that really isn't an option. Also: now that I have a car, do I pick her up or do we meet at the bar? OMG, all I know about dates comes from Fraiser (the real Fraiser, not the code word) and one unsuccessful date.

AND what if it goes wrong? What if I do something stupid like getting too drunk , or thinking it's something more than it is? If this goes bad, this could go really, really bad. Carly said once that a night of drinking usually goes bad, and the fact that I my 21st birthday went so well was a miracle. On the other hand, if this goes good, this can go really, really, REALLY good.

But I have to look at this positively, I just got a date with a girl that I've had a crush on since she started here. And she didn't hesitate at all. Does that mean that she's had a crush too? What I really need to do is go into this with NO expectations. Period. Every time I've had any success with girls I've had no expectations, and it usually goes good. So maybe all these questions will work themselves out, and I'm sure they will. And I'm sure I'll have a great time. For now, it needs to leave my mind and I need to concentrate on something, anything else. Wish me luck.

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