September 21, 2006

They did it again. As much as I've been hating my job already, they did it again. They shorted my paycheck again! They tried to fix it but they fucked it up again. My hatred towards this job is eating away at me, day after day I come to work and work my ass off for these people doing all this extra work that I'm not paid for. They expect me to train classes when it's not my job, I'm not trained to do it, and more importantly they DON'T PAY ME FOR IT!!! Now they're trying to short me again, it would be easy to just say FUCK IT. It's less than $150 dollars total, but goddamit that's my money! And of course there's that raise that I'm entitled to but never received and they say I'll receive it some time next week. Goddamit! Is this just bad karma from working at this place for too long and not feeling anything when a single mother with two kids calls and says her refridgerator isn't working, but we don't have service and she has to wait a week to find a servicer, but then they don't call in a week, so it's another week, and when the woman finally does get a servicer they take a look at it and order a part, tell her it will take a 3 or 4 days but then it takes two weeks, and then it's the wrong part. So the woman waits another week for another appointment only to tell her that the refridgerator can't be fixed and then it takes another 6 or 8 weeks to get her a refridgerator, meanwhile her kid who needs to keep insulin dies because it can't be kept cold, and I just don't care because there's nothing I can do! Is Karma finally catching up with me because I no longer care? What's with this world where it's nobody's fault and people still get screwed? How many times have I told people "there's nothing I can do, but I apologize for the huge inconvenience" these ass holes didn't even apologize. The didn't even pretend to care, to them who make real money (at least twice what I make) $140 before taxes means close to nothing, but they can at least pretend to care. I have to pretend to care about every single ass hole that I get on the phone. I have to put on a fake smile and say with at least FAKE sincerity "I apologize, let me fix that for you" and all the other bull shit scripting. They didn't even pretend to give a fuck! And the worst part of it, if they fuck up they next paycheck then my check will be too short for me to go to Reno, and I've already made the hotel reservations depending on this coming pay check, or the last check being able to pay all my bills, and then this one, if the next one doesn't have the $$$ I'm fucked! And they can go to Hell, those worthless pieces of shit. One mistake deserves another right. Well one more time, fuck them, fuck this job, and fuck this backwards, redneck, smelly town that tries to be Eugene but never comes close!

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