January 11, 2006

Random thought of the day: I love Over Time, I am making $126 today!! Sure I haven't had a day off since last Wednesday, and I won't have a day off until Saturday, but: I've done 18 1/2 hours OT since Saturday, or a total of: $222 in pure OT, or $222 towards Disney Land in 72 days! That $200 will pay for my ds, and any taxes that I get back, if any, I'll put in the Disney land fund. Other wise, I can live like I normally do, though I have to eat out less. Which I have been doing, I haven't eaten out since Sunday, and two days is kind of a record for me recently. I promise myself that I will not eat out today, well maybe I will since it's an OT day, but I will only eat out on OT days. In other news, I will not, will NOT! Come in for OT on Saturday, even though I would love the money, and I would seriously love the money, I really want to see the Seahaks loose. Or maybe if they call me in, I will work. Who knows. I might.

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