September 22, 2011

Q 0.1

Me: It was a weird day . . . I'm having a crisis of confidence myself, or rather I realize that I've been in the middle of a giant crisis of confidence since I lost Signal and I'm finally realizing it. I don't want to be built up, cause everyone always tries to build me up, but I honestly have no idea why anyone could possibly like me as a person when I do such horrible things sometimes.
So now that I've realized that I'm right back where I started six years ago, now it's time to build myself back up step by painful step.

Z: because under it all, YOU are a great person and just need to realize it... My kids love you and they are innocent enough to tell bad people
Those steps are way painful because I am there with you
Just something I wanted to save.  Totally made me cry.  Z is the one person that I never question her motives.  When Z says something like that you can't help but believe her.  To best friends!

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