October 07, 2005

Thank you oh guru of psychology, whoever you are. You very well might be Shane (best friends from Job Corps), but I think he's in Iraq at this point. As for Jenn (best online friend ever), it's very possible. Sue (cousin) maybe, but she wouldn't care, also she's not so obsessed over ruling the world, also she wouldn't give me that smart comment. Though it might be sue, we do acknowledge each other's intelligence. But it again it won't be her because if she started a blog she would actually write in it.

So my new theory: it's shane, it has to be, he's blunt and smart, and may comment on this even from Iraq.

But the point of this post: I've acknowledged that I'm self centered and I push people away to avoid pain. I'm sick of that because the pain of loneliness is now far, far worse than any pain that people might cause me. Now I'm still alone and in pain. I've known that I need deep psychological help for a long time. But oh anonymous helper, is there a quick fix for all these social problems that I'm facing? Is there a way to cut myself loose from all these chains that have bonded me to isolation for so long. I realize that it's not going to be easy, nothing good in life is easy. (or so they say) Oh anonymous helper, what can I do aside from years of therapy?

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