October 17, 2005

Because I'm not witty enough, to start this post, I'm going to start with my favorite cliche':

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good: I've been selected for cross training, as far as I know, no pay raise

The Bad: It's Monday, what else is there to say

The Ugly: I made horrible disgusting mistakes on my calls on Saturday.

The Goal Today: No mistakes :) A perfect day!

1 comment:

Gregg said...

Hi. I enjoyed reading your blog, though I know it talks a lot about the trouble you have in your life.

I was curious as to whether or not you ever talked with someone about your feelings of social ineptness and your stuggle to not make mistakes.

Did you stuggle with school? Are you often distracted and unfocused? Do you have trouble concentrating?